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May 1st is Pursue Your Own Pretty Day!

May 1st, 2018 is our very first "Pursue Your Own Pretty Day". PYOPD is a day to celebrate what makes us feel uniquely strong, healthy, confident and beautiful as women and to improve upon the traditional definition of "pretty" we all grew up with.  There are so many things we do every day beyond just our physical look that make us feel good, alive and vibrant and true to ourselves.  Maybe it's the feeling you have when you're with your best friends and you're laughing and understanding each other and connecting. Or maybe it's when you have a little time to yourself, to take care of yourself, take a bath, go for a run, do a little yoga in your living room. Or maybe it's when you've just finished a workout and feel strong and healthy.  It's an idea to share with your daughter, sister, friend, coworker so when we're done getting ready in the morning, we can shift the focus to what's really important within the substance of each day, in hopes, of helping all women feel better about themselves and more confident day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute.

Here's what you can do to join in on May 1st!  You can post to Instagram or Facebook about something that makes you feel uniquely pretty each day. Whatever that is, it's totally specific to you. You don't have to show your face or any product, just something you do daily, once a week, once a month that makes you feel uniquely you, strong, confident and beautiful. Then hashtag #pursueyourownpretty so other woman can see, appreciate, share in and be inspired by your unique "pretty."  I think it will be a really uplifting conversation to have that day.  It's a chance to shift the focus even just for a minute to something positive and uplifting that can help move us forward on a path that makes us all feel the best about ourselves so we can be even "better" human beings.  When you are feeling that good about yourself, you can then help lift up everyone around you too!  I hope you'll join us on May 1st! - Alison

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